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hi! i’m Tom, founder and creative director of POKE.  i live in CT, work in NYC, munch on tasty digital cookies, collect lunchboxes, take lots of photos and buy lots of t-shirts.  mmm…cookies. i’m passionate about creating a safe internet for kids, cookies, really great Italian cooking, all kinds of dogs, digital photography and the power of technology and how it affects our daily lives. i’d love to tell you i read a lot - but i just don’t. so there. Psychotic.

Entries in science (2)

scary human kill switch gets denied patent - for now...

Ooof. Have a read of this excerpt from the German Publication The Local:

A Saudi Arabian inventor has filed for a patent on a potentially lethal science fiction-style human tracking microchip, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) told The Local on Friday. But the macabre innovation that enables remote killing will likely be denied copyright protection.

“While the application is still pending further paperwork on his part, the invention will probably be found to violate paragraph two of the German Patent Law – which does not allow inventions that transgress public order or good morals,” spokeswoman Stephanie Krüger told The Local from Munich. 

The patent application – entitled “Implantation of electronic chips in the human body for the purposes of determining its geographical location” – was filed on October 30, 2007, but was only published until last week, or 18 months after submission as required by German law, she said.

Monday, Germany declined the patent application.

But the device, naturally, still exists. Scarier still, we can only presume it’s already in use. Patenting it would just make anyone else liable if they copied and sold it.

Sometimes technology goes too far…


display your DNA

You might have heard of the new craze of being able to DNA and Gene map with companies like 23andMe where you get a “Mint-like” output of your bodies most intimate and intricate details - including ancestry and health related risks as you grow older. Sweet. Sign me up.

But this post isn’t about that. It seems there is another company rushing to the DNA documentation business, but this time - as an Art Form. That’s right. Apparently your DNA is beautiful and you can hang a snap of it in your room. Check out DNA-DX.

from the site:

DNA-DX has fused science and art to bring you GenePortraits. These dazzling paintings are the most beautiful and modern Canvas representations of the most important person you know, You.

the process is simple:

1. Customise your GenePortrait through our website
2. Send us your DNA sample using our ‘painless cheek swab’ sampling kit
3. Await your masterpeice
