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hi! i’m Tom, founder and creative director of POKE.  i live in CT, work in NYC, munch on tasty digital cookies, collect lunchboxes, take lots of photos and buy lots of t-shirts.  mmm…cookies. i’m passionate about creating a safe internet for kids, cookies, really great Italian cooking, all kinds of dogs, digital photography and the power of technology and how it affects our daily lives. i’d love to tell you i read a lot - but i just don’t. so there. Psychotic.

Entries in personal (4)

pretty cold out thar!

Had some fun this morning with Instagram snapping the 20’ of snow that pounded us last night. Weeeee!

shameless self-promotion: Tegu is LIVE!


Hey! Thought I’d take a quick moment to introduce you to a pet project of mine.

Meet Tegu. A startup Toy Company that I have been involved with since 2010. Tegu “the blocks that click” are green, sustainable, beautifully design pieces of art - loaded up with magnets inside. They are unassumingly cool and once you pick them up you can’t put them down. Tegu LIVE is the first outcome of our journey together as business partners.

Think of it as an online playmate and owner’s manual. Full of ideas and instruction to inspire you to create with Tegu. Having given the block to my boys, I can attest to their quality and beauty. But I can also attest to how challenging they can be! Tegu LIVE aims at helping people through the learning and creation process by making the entire think interactive.

Would love your thoughts. There’s quite an operation behind the scenes at POKE making it all happen. Stop by sometime and we’ll show you!

- Tom

KideoPlayer is picking up steam! 

Funny little tidbit: When I first picked out the name KideoPlayer, I did a Google Search for it and there was just about 1,000 returns for names similiar. Just today I searched for “kideoplayer” on Google and found near 11,000,000 mentions! This is fantastic!

For those who don’t know what KideoPlayer is, click here. (It’s pretty self explainatory.  :)

To read my original posting on KideoPlayer, click here.

To run the Google search and see the KideoPlayer mentions, click here.

Thanks everyone (friends, new friends and family) for helping get the word out. I would also like to thank Douglas Rowell for the outstanding character development he did for the KideoPlayer mascots. They are adorable, and everyone loves them.

The mentions online and the traffic seem to be doubling every day. Please, if you love the site - give us some feedback. We’d love for it to keep growing.


Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Tweet

Well, the lights are up, the nog has been drunk (most of it), the hot toddies were a hit, and it’s time for me to hang up the wreath for the rest of the season. I’m signing off until January.

2009 was an interesting year. In some ways the hardest year, and in others, the most incredible on every personal and professional level imaginable.

I’m thankful for my kick ass bidnas partners, my amazing team, my silly pups and all our health. Most importantly, I’m so thankful for my wonderful family. I will be with them until 1/4, thanking them for everything they’ve done for me this year so that I can be here for you, too.

See you in January.  And, as always - Don’t Give Up.

/ Tom