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hi! i’m Tom, founder and creative director of POKE.  i live in CT, work in NYC, munch on tasty digital cookies, collect lunchboxes, take lots of photos and buy lots of t-shirts.  mmm…cookies. i’m passionate about creating a safe internet for kids, cookies, really great Italian cooking, all kinds of dogs, digital photography and the power of technology and how it affects our daily lives. i’d love to tell you i read a lot - but i just don’t. so there. Psychotic.

Entries in inspiration (6)

The two coolest things you'll find online today.

1. Turntube

Cross fade YouTube videos and create playlists. ‘nuff said.

2. KickAss

Bored? How about turning any webpage into an awesome time-killing totally nostalgic asteroids game. In seconds. Thought so. Try it on my site, here. Just click this: Kick Ass!

Rad, right?  Want to blow up any webpage? Drag those same words to your toolbar. Head to your favorite site. Hit the button. Bam. Yer Welcome.



(thanks @neonarcade for the tip on Kick Ass.)

yummy nerdy design (for a gloomy monday!)

Welp, these sweet (and very creative) toys brought a lil’ sunshine to a rainy Monday in CT. The video and the toys are the product of Beth Algieri and Jonny Plummer, two directors / designers with a common passion making awesome. Hope you enjoi!

Parallel Parking from Yum Yum London on Vimeo.

what would you like to have happen by the end of the day?

Fifty People, One Question: New Orleans from Benjamin Reece on Vimeo.


Touching. Creative. Inspiring. Real.  




did you know?

The latest Did You Know video will blow your mind with interesting facts and figures about the social web and how it’s changed your world.  Here’s a uber-post of all of them, starting with the latest (version 4). (Also, see below for some screen grabs if you don’t have the time to watch).

Version 3:

According to Digital Inspiration, This video is part of the popular “Did You Know” series that originally started out as a PowerPoint presentation [Shift Happens} and, once people caught on, the presentation was converted into a video by xplane. You can watch all the previous versions of the “Did You Know” series here or download source presentations and high-res videos from the Shift Happens wiki.

Version 2:

And finally, Version 1:

Screen grabs:

internet facts

youtube facts

online advertising

shrinking mobile devices

meet ScaryGirl. go. play. now.

I’m not going to waste your time with commentary on this one. It genius and beautiful.

Go. Play. Now.

creativity monday: sketch projection

Tape, tape, tape….. what to do with all those random roles of tape hiding round your office and in your home? Why not Tape 4 Fun and plaster it all over your (friend’s) wall?!

See more T4F goodness here.

about Shantell Martin:

Since graduating from London’s Central Saint Martins University of Art & Design with first class honors in graphic design and illustration in 2003, Shantell Martin has been expanding conventional definitions of drawing, using it as a base from which to storm and occupy the design, fashion and music scenes. Now based between Tokyo and New York, Martin has been a much sought-after resident and guest VJ at some of the city’s most experimental club nights and has collaborated with some of the best-known names in the fashion and music industry.

Like her drawings, Martin herself seems to be in an unstoppable state of constant and conscious movement: by turn illustrator, designer, VJ, artist, videographer and more, each persona is linked by the common thread of her trademark continuous-line style, each project a further entanglement of disciplines and an exploratory step into a new world the artist creates as she moves through it.
