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hi! i’m Tom, founder and creative director of POKE.  i live in CT, work in NYC, munch on tasty digital cookies, collect lunchboxes, take lots of photos and buy lots of t-shirts.  mmm…cookies. i’m passionate about creating a safe internet for kids, cookies, really great Italian cooking, all kinds of dogs, digital photography and the power of technology and how it affects our daily lives. i’d love to tell you i read a lot - but i just don’t. so there. Psychotic.

Entries in Halloween (1)

Happy Halloween!

Careless about the data you provide on your profile without the proper safeguards in place? Meet Take This Lollipop - a site that preys (in good fun) on people that underestimate the power of social networks and the information that can be obtained from them.

By connecting to your Facebook account the site unlocks in a very creative way, a play scene where you can peer in on a creepy man spying and tracking you - through all your personal stuff. Pics of your kids. Friends. Videos. Phone numbers.

It’s all there.

Take a look, authorise your account and see what Take My Lollipop knows about you.
