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hi! i’m Tom, founder and creative director of POKE.  i live in CT, work in NYC, munch on tasty digital cookies, collect lunchboxes, take lots of photos and buy lots of t-shirts.  mmm…cookies. i’m passionate about creating a safe internet for kids, cookies, really great Italian cooking, all kinds of dogs, digital photography and the power of technology and how it affects our daily lives. i’d love to tell you i read a lot - but i just don’t. so there. Psychotic.

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Kiwi-Crate Rocks!

As you well know by now I way in to all kinds of innovation when it comes to kids education and entertainment. So I was pretty stoked to find KiwiCrate recently. For $19.95 a month (includes shipping), KiwiCrate will send you an age-appropriate craft project for your child complete with all the materials and detailed instructions. The crafts are developed by a panel of experts in child development, science, art, and education and tested by the ultimate experts: real kids.

I signed my boys up a few months back for this one and so far all three kits we’ve received have been a total hit.

So are the boxes that have arrived are themed (they may be centered around a season, holiday or subject; IE Space & Planets). There are plenty of materials provided, and it’s good quality stuff. I was happy to see two activities in most of our boxes as well as plenty of materials so both my boys can participate.

Really digging the creativity here. Can’t help but think the best is yet to come in the subscription service world. What do you think?

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