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hi! i’m Tom, founder and creative director of POKE.  i live in CT, work in NYC, munch on tasty digital cookies, collect lunchboxes, take lots of photos and buy lots of t-shirts.  mmm…cookies. i’m passionate about creating a safe internet for kids, cookies, really great Italian cooking, all kinds of dogs, digital photography and the power of technology and how it affects our daily lives. i’d love to tell you i read a lot - but i just don’t. so there. Psychotic.

Entries in design (35)

the coolest thing you have ever seen in your entire life. period.

OK, bold headline. But holy shit balls this is awesome. Meet “A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (2009) - Caleb Larsen”.

What is it you ask? A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter by Caleb Larsen is a physical sculpture that is perptually attempting to auction itself on eBay. Here is the ebay auction, the current bid is $4,250. Yep.

Every ten minutes the black box pings a server on the internet via the ethernet connection to check if it is for sale on the eBay. If its auction has ended or it has sold, it automatically creates a new auction of itself.

Rad, right? If a person buys it on eBay, the current owner is required to send it to the new owner. The new owner must then plug it into ethernet, and the cycle repeats itself.

I’m seriously going to be thinking about how awesome this is all day. And now you are too.

everything you (don't) want(ed) to know about the academy awards in one tidy infographic

Those of you who have been follwing for a while know I have a penchant for beautiful infographics. I post them here. Tweet about them. There is nary a subject that can’t be celebrated, made fun of, or demystified with a great infographic. Apparently, even The Red Carpet cant escape the keen eye of the designer.

Thanks to this guy for posting it.

The Academy Awards are one of the most celebrated awards shows in the world. From red carpets to the latest fashion, the Oscars are about so much more than movies. But what does it really mean to put on a show like the Academy Awards? What kind of money goes into them, and what really happens to stars’ careers after they win an Oscar? Here’s a numerical look at how much the Academy Awards cost, who wins, and what winning might mean for an actor’s career.

car nerds unite!

Ok, special thanks to my Pop for sending me this last night. It took me till 1:20 before I bought three. I found a store with some still available. eMail me and I’ll pass you the link.

It’s called The Soundracer. Plug it into your car stereo, and it makes your boring family car sound - and even somehow feel - like a roaring V8. I can’t wait to turn our wagon into a lambo.

muji + legos = Bob The Sculptor

Is your kid more like more like Paul Teutul than Bob the Builder? Then peep this.

From Today and Tomorrow: The Japanese retail brand MUJI and LEGO teamed up to develop a set of 4 different boxes. Inside those boxes you’ll find the classic LEGO bricks but also a few sheets of paper. No big deal. But when you also have the right punch hole tool, you can combine both to create something new. I really like this concept. You can order a set here (when you speak sone Japanese).

Flippin’ sweet.

Mac Jewelery. Srsly!

Dear Nerds,

I haves treat for you: Mac Jewelry. Srsly!

My favorite? iphone button earrings - a must for every Macshionista on your list this year.

Get yours here:

art project meets fight club meets web commentary meets awesome

This guy has FREE, FREE stickers for anyone interested in taking part in an upcoming exhibition, Printeresting: One Every Day, at the EFA Project Space in New York City next week.

Instructions are simple…. email your mailing address to stickers[at] When the stickers arrive in the mail put them up in a location that you find appropriate, take a picture and email him back the photo to the same email address. All photos will be added to a loop on display in the gallery for the length of the exhibition. If you are in NYC you can pick up free stickers at the gallery after Nov. 5th (location listed below), or you can make your own with any of the the following files ( .pdf | .png | .eps | .ai ).

email - stickers[at]

The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts
323 West 39th St., 2nd Floor
NY, New York 10018

November 5 - December 19
Opening Reception:
Saturday, November 7
6-9 PM

a petabyte is a lot of data

I’m just sayin’…

(Thanks to the folks at the Mozy Blog for this one.)

teddy troops = awesome

Found this on the interwebs today. I can haz all of them?

best business card ever

Hats off to the smartest nerd writer creative director dude I know: Peter Knierim.

Peter recently got shafted by “the man”. In a classic reversal (and armed with a sharpie) he equally flipped “the man” the bird AND made an awesome self promotion in the process.  Go Pete!



bye bye Pantone books, helloz Loupe!

You never know where you are going to find the perfect color. Check out Loupe. You can capture your color inspirations so you don’t have to try and guess what that shade was when you are back at your computer. Simple and thoughtfully designed, Loupe lets you create color swatches from your photo library or using the camera to save colors as you find them.
